How to improve the energy efficiency of your home and save on the bill if you have a vacation home

We already know that having a second residence generates expenses, even if you are not in them for months, water, electricity, and community bills continue to arrive and from Just Enjoy Holidays we give you the possibility that you can make your home profitable by renting it during the periods that you are not in it. Do not forget that we take care of everything and you will have your property available whenever you need it.
But in addition, we want to give you some tricks so that you can save on the electricity bill, making your house more efficient not only helps to value it in the market, but you will also notice it in your pocket.

What to take into account when improving the energy efficiency of your home

The light

In order to optimize the energy in your holiday home, the first thing to do is to choose the appropriate electricity rate. Do not think that by spending little time in it or by having it rented, the rate does not count. Having the right rate contracted makes a big difference.

Compare the offers of different companies and take into account the variables. For example, electricity may be cheaper early in the day, but you will have to contract according to the consumption of your home. Make an estimate of the electrical appliances that you can use at the same time and contract the appropriate rate, contracting a higher rate than the one you need makes the electricity bill much more expensive.

Take advantage of natural light. Sunlight is a free and abundant source of energy in Spain. From Just Enjoy Holidays we recommend that you arrange the furniture in such a way that it does not hinder the natural entry of light so that clarity can reach all corners.
Paint the walls in light colors, much better white, and keep the windows clean to let the light pass without obstacles.

Another issue to consider is choosing the right bulbs. Invest in low consumption lights, they are a little more expensive, but the savings on the electricity bill start to be noticed from the beginning. LED type bulbs represent savings of between 80 and 90% and also last much longer than traditional bulbs.

Does it seem complicated? Don’t worry, as experts in vacation home management we take care of all this for you. Periodic cleaning, service management, and as experts in interior design we make your home look perfect and prepared for your guests as well as feel at home, they take much longer to turn on the light.

Air conditioning

Another of the most important expenses is air conditioning… You may think: “In Spain, you save on electricity, but you spend on air conditioning”, especially in the summer months when the heat is strong. To guarantee the energy optimization of your vacation home, you must buy highly efficient equipment and always place it in a shady place.

Post signs in several languages ​​where it is recommended not to place the air below 24 degrees in summer and above 21 in winter. Periodically check that there are no cracks and insulate the windows to ensure the insulation of the home.

Although the idea is to use the air conditioning as little as possible, we know that it is not always possible. Place ceiling fans, an elegant and functional option.

Home appliances

Appliances are key in energy management and saving. The washing machine and the refrigerator consume a lot of electricity, so when you buy them, always look at the energy label to find out if they are efficient models or not.
There are two different types of badges:

The traditional label. Where the categories go from A to D, with A being the one with the highest energy efficiency. Ideally, the appliance should carry the A + + + label.

The new label where the subdivisions (A + + +, A + +, A +, and A) are eliminated and where the division goes from A to G. Always choose a category A appliance. As with light bulbs, the most efficient appliances are more expensive, but in the medium-long term, it is an investment that your pocket will notice. Using appliances with label A saves you an average of 500 euros per year.

We get you out of doubts about energy efficiency

What is energy efficiency?
Energy efficiency is nothing more than the responsible and efficient consumption of electricity. With efficient energy, we seek to protect the environment from intense energy consumption

Is the energy efficiency certificate mandatory?

Since 2013, in order to be able to rent or sell a house, it is mandatory to have the EEC certificate, both in new and old properties, and it is also mandatory to have it when advertising the properties.

How valid is the CEE?
The energy certificate is valid for 10 years, but you can request the issuance of a new one when you do home renovations that improve the energy efficiency of the property in order to obtain a better classification.

Advantages of having an energy efficiency certificate

The energy certification allows to compare, value, and know the characteristics of the property as well as the energy expenditure. An energy certificate is accompanied by a report with the recommendations on the improvements to be made to obtain a more efficient property, increase the comfort of the home and reduce the energy bill.


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